OoLNA: I Am…

William Garrett
6 min readJun 30, 2022
Rene Descartes

Blessings, my fellow terrestrial LuNAs! ”Je pense, donc je suis“ — Descartes “I think, therefore I am”. What do you think?

The understanding, ‘I am’, is the basis for ALL LuNA thought progression, but what, exactly, does that mean?

It means, of course, quite literally, whatever YOU decide it means! You, as the possessor of the thought ‘I am’ are, by definition, the ultimate author of what that means to you, and through that process, what is rendered to the rest of reality.

For instance: I am. I am a spiritual being immersed in a physical experience. I am man. I am a man of God. I am a man of Integrity, Honor and Courage. I am my father’s son and my son’s father. I am whom I choose to Be!

We are all the product of our past, as our individual histories are the memory of the process that has made each of us the only individual uniquely qualified to live our own specific individual lives.

This part is done.

What remains is to use dispassionate examination of said history to more intelligently and sophisticatedly choose what we will let today will make of us, for usage into tomorrow!

In other words, your past is your story; examining the rougher/darker parts with an eye critical eye toward elements that you are drawn to, understanding that it IS done, can help you to understand yourself better and establish ‘baselines’ for things you might like to alter or improve. Realistic, serious self-examination is quite possibly one of Life’s Greatest Challenges! It is at once, the easiest of physical acts, simply directing your own thoughts, and yet in my humble opinion, the absolute most difficult activity we ever (hopefully) attempt to fully engage our conscious psyche in, due to the requisite examination of whatever our own perceived ‘faults or failures’ might be, from a standpoint of self-responsibility.

I cannot say what anyone else will find in their mirrors, but I must note, at least for myself, with Dad n Big Bro’s Guidance through simple conversation with them and an openness to the idea that their ‘responses’ tend to appear peripherally around as opposed to ‘heard’, while it has been challenging at times to really face whatever, ultimately, that’s all there is to it. Examine with intent to simply recognize whatever you can take from it to make yourself more who you want to be. How might you have handled or thought about something differently?

Let go whatever negativity to Dad n Big Bro, that’s part of what they’re there for, and there’s really no point to carrying it oneself, what’s done IS done. Finally, let go of any other angst with anyone else over it. I kinda go with ‘fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me!’, which goes with the idea that, I may forgive, since I’m not perfect and ‘expecting more out of anyone than themself is the height of insanity’… Of course, that doesn’t in any way mean I’m likely to forget… But, getting caught up in angst over other LuNA’s actions, over which only they have control, in the end, is only debilitating to oneself!

The rewards for any accomplishment in these endeavors tend to be sublimely Awesome!! Largely in increased self-esteem, among other things…

Now, the most important consideration: who is your ‘I am’? A poet? Adventurer? Dancer? Are you the ‘protector’? the ‘thinker’? the bard?

Take a few moments to consider, not what life has made you, but rather, in your own epic motion picture, who are you…?

No matter where you are in Life, your time is your absolute most precious resource. You have an undetermined, finite amount to ‘spend’ toward the enhancement of this experience we call Life. Spending any amount on simple consideration of who you feel rightest being, I believe, will, in the end, be recognized as some of the absolute Best time we spent on the Journey!!

In my experience:

Your Life follows your focus. Where you let your thoughts and feelings roam, so will your Life, as a progression, follow!

What you visualize and apply feeling to alters the emanation of your personal EM field. Remember our atoms? They are in fact approximately .05% physical material! Yet that .05% occupies the entire space of the atom due to the quantum nature of the expenditure of the energy propelling that material about the atom’s confines.

Physical beings we are, no doubt, but that physicality is based on an insanely complex field of working energy that includes not just our own bodies but everything in physical existence! As The Secret so succinctly noted: “we are beings of energy operating in a vast sea of energy”! As such, the energy that is each of us has its own unique wavelength that defines the EM field you produce. I suspect that field is what some describe as ‘auras’, having some capability of sensing that EM projection. I concur with the idea that that field interacts with the ‘greater Universal field’ to generate ‘feedback’ that manifests as your physical circumstances. Long I recall teachings ‘Guard and discipline your thoughts…’, unfortunately, the teachers themselves mostly likely did not understand the ‘why’ behind but in the most basic ways… Blessed be reclaimed Enlightenment!!

What that essentially means, on a working level, is that ALL of your thoughts, and particularly those which dance with emotion, ‘set’ your EM vibration, which of course, communicates out to the Universe, affecting that feedback, which produces the stream of your Life.

So, how do we take control? Again, the mechanisms are simple enough…

For thoughts that spring unwanted, as well as those that otherwise develop, simply find/develop alternative desirable thoughts to immediately supplant them with and begin making a game out of how fast you can do so. Sounds easy enough, right? It is, in the long run, but be prepared, the only way to get good at anything is by being bad at it long enough!! As so oft the case persistence is the ultimate fuel…

Most importantly, of course, spend time creating thoughts of you and how you would live, if free to. Start simple, creating the ‘you’ you idealize… imagine images of yourself living Life Happy! See yourself, a live action movie in your mind, living as you would, the person you would be! You’ll likely find that much of what you create you are only restricted from by those forementioned negatives that do tend to act as ‘chains’ and ‘bars’ of the spirit, but are so easily dispensed…

See? Just that easily, you are no longer you, but rather the ‘new, improved you’!! Every time you invest in emotive visualization of yourself and life, even for just a few moments, you change yourself a tiny bit, even while adjusting the ‘signals’ you are emitting to the Universe! And it’s the cumulative effect of those moments that add up to interesting changes just down the road!

Just remember, as you begin or renew your efforts to develop ‘you’, embarking upon the masterpiece of your existence, your ultimate expression of whom you feel you were put here to be, Dad and Big Bro are, in fact, the Ultimate Life Consultants!!

Blessing upon your paths, my sibling LuNA’s, all!!

